
Please read these directions before registering.

This form is used to preregister "Start Entries". A Start Entry consists of an individual or group which will stay together in going around the course. The form is only for Start Entries for the event to take place on Wednesday, December 31. You need to provide the information for all of the required fields before clicking Preregister.

Preregistration stops 2 days before an event, e.g. 12am Friday for a Sunday event. You must register at the event; if that is allowed.
* required field.

First Name (of individual or leader): *   Last Name: *
For Scouts & JROTC, enter a leader name and a troop/pack/group name or number.

Preferred Course (Explanations at the right): *

Number of people in your group: Enter 1 or skip for an individual.

Will you have your own SI-Card?: Yes No *

Any Minors in this Start Entry?: Yes No *

How did you learn about this event? (Optional)      

       OR   Return to WPOC Welcome Page

If there is no acknowledgement HERE when you preregister, something went wrong. See the error message above.

No one can be preregistered; Preregistration is now closed. Register at the event.
Course Descriptions